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Containers in the Nightly System


The ATLAS Nightly System offers abundant opportunities for updating existing software and developing new tools within a multi-platform environment. Many build jobs run on native EL9 operating systems, while container technology is also supported and utilized in specific nightly branches.

  • Legacy builds are conducted within CentOS7 containers

  • The dedicated nightly branch running within an EL9 container to verify that container-related functionalities are operating correctly

  • Several nightly branches build release images

  • On-demand container build functionality is available for developers who wish to use selected nightly releases in containers

Containerized Nightly Jobs

  • As of September 2024, the Nightly System supports 12 legacy nightly branches running builds against 21.0, 21.6, 22-mc20, 23.0 git branches. These branches are aggregated under the group LEGACY in the nightlies global view
  • Legacy builds are executed as non-interactive payloads within the containerized environment provided by the ATLAS Local Root Base (ALRB) user interface. The default ATLAS CentOS7 Apptainer container is used
  • The main--containerized_Athena_x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt job builds Athena against the main git branch. Its primary purpose is to validate the default EL9 container and related functionalities. This build is scheduled to run at least once a week

Nightly Jobs with Image Builds

Storage of Nightly Images

Nightly images are stored in the CERN Harbor Registry within dedicated repositories for the four supported projects. The retention period for these images is 7 days


Containers from the Harbor registry are not recommended for PanDA jobs on the Grid due to the significant time it takes for frequent pulls for every worker node, leading to inefficient resources utilization. For PanDA jobs, it is strongly advised to use direct installations from CVMFS. Ensure that the CVMFS option is enabled when starting the on-demand container Jenkins build prompting installation on /cvmfs/

Use of Nightly Images

ATLAS Software documentation portal provides instructions on setting up and running Athena containers. The example command for starting a nightly container with setupATLAS:

setupATLAS -c docker://<image name>

The image name format is

<stable release number>_<timestamp>_<platform>


  • Stable release name refers to the stable release candidate for which the nightly release was built
  • Timestamp is the nightly release name (which follows a timestamp format)
  • Platform name follows the standard ATLAS platform name format, such as x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt

It is possble to use getarch keyword, which will be replaced with the correct architecture name.




Currently images are provided only for x86_64. There are plans to provide images for ARM in the future.